Ballad of the Crystal Ponies Cover + a Mini Update! | ViolaMao Meowsings: Ballad of the Crystal Ponies Cover + a Mini Update!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ballad of the Crystal Ponies Cover + a Mini Update!

Fact #1: this is my first cover of a song actually from the show!
Fact #2: I know it's been forever; I feel like I say that pretty much every time I upload. Before the summer started, I was like "Yes I am going to record and upload so much during the summer!" and then I never did. It didn't help that I wasn't living at home half the time. Oops.

Anyway, now that I've gotten some excuses out, on to some more interesting things!

I've been working on original songs (with lyrics and chords and melody, oh my!) and music production and such, but I still haven't gotten a DAW nor a MIDI cable, so my piano and stuff just sounds really crappy. However, in school, I am taking an electronic music class right now that is in a "MIDI lab". AKA, there are synthesizers and computers with an ancient version of Sonar on them. But seriously, this class is the bomb. I haven't made any full length songs yet, but I have made a couple 2 minute-ish songs that I do plan to upload sometime in the future - hopefully before the end of the year, knowing me and my uploading.

Anyway, I acquired and started learning acoustic guitar a couple months ago, and so I decided that I should a quick recording and show you guys. This entire song was done in just one take, and there's barely any sort of editing at all. It is a very stripped down song, but I still like it; I hope y'all do too. I guess this will be a cool time capsule too and I can listen to it in the future and think, "Wow. I was really bad at guitar back then." However, my poor mic :( it has good and bad days, and this was one of those bad days.

Also seriously look at that freaking crystal pony background. It is too beautiful. I made it myself - wow much talent such pro (with basically all the work done by these two texture/overlay things: and

I've been really bad with keeping up with the Kardashians fandom lately. I haven't watched all the new episodes yet, and I've listened to pretty much none of the fandom's new music. A new school has been taking up my time (wait, I thought we were done with the excuses!).

Hopefully I'll see you guys soon!

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