November 2015ViolaMao Meowsings: November 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

New Song: Into the Danger Zone

I welcome thee to the danger zone . . . or my latest song: Into the Danger Zone!

How to Write Your First Song, Part 1: the Basics of Chords (and Some Music Theory)

I began my foray into writing original songs less than a year ago. In this relatively short time, I have learned a LOT about songwriting and music in general. Though I am a classically-trained musician (which sounds very pretentious, though I guess it is), I didn't really know a lot about the structure of pop music, chords, etc. In trying to write songs, I have done lots of research and learning. From this learning, I present to you part one of this newly-created series that features some essential information and tips on writing your first song.